Page name: TTR-Upper City [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-07-08 04:27:15
Last author: twitchboy
Owner: Dark Shiva
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This is where all the stores, malls, entertainment, restaurant are at. Most of the villains are here, taking whatever they please, and some even making themselves at home here. Redfist thugs often come here as well, and even some of the more dangerous members can be seen here. Best watch our back here.

A figure sticked to the shadows avoiding sunlight and being cautious.As though he realized none of these villians will know him as a hero, so he had no fear of them in this place.

A brunet teen aged girl, sat perched on a ruined building, overlooking the area. "Welcome to hell..." She muttered to herself.

The figure kept his cloak up to protect himself from the sun as he walked out from within the shadows.'This is what hell is," his mind reminded him as he shook his head.

The girl saw him, and quickly went into a defensive position. "Who are you?"

The guy looked at her and blinked inside the cloak,"Uh Nobody," he said as he checked her for possible threats.

The brunet calmed down a little, though she was still cautious. "Then what's with the cloak and crap?" she asked as she sat back down.

The Cloaked figure looked at her,"I can't say," he said as he thought decisively,'If I tell her she will know my weakness."

She held back a laugh, knowing there was no way he was a RedFist or a villan. "Well do you have a name, or you 'can't say' that either?"

"I go by Deridian," he said as he wondered,"Do you have a name?"

The girl shrugged. "Just call me Quill."

The cloaked teen named Deridian looked down the street as a few villains walked,"Pleasure meeting you, but I think we have company," he said as he glanced back.

Out of the shadows of an alley a figure launched itself onto the nearest shady good-for-nothing. He whirled a huge broadsword over his head and tried to bring it down over the guy and pin him to the wall. He quickly pulled a picture of a cute blonde girl from his pocket and shoved it into the lowly ruffian's face. "Tell me have you seen this girl, if you lie then i hope you enjoy having your head separated from your body."

The guy looked like he was about to mess his pants. "I swear iv never seen her in my life!"

The boy released the fugitive and turned away as the sword melded and formed a chain that wrapped around his leg. He then approached Deridian. "You, hood guy. Seen this girl before?"

Quill snorted. "Oh yeah make the poor guy nearly pee himself. That's a great way to get answers from someone!" She said sarcastically.

He turned to the girl who had shot him the remark. "Well I'm not going to sit down and have tea with scum like him am I? Who are you supposed to be anyway, in a vermin infested place like this?"

"Quill. Nice to meet you too, arseface" The brunet said with a huff.

"Well excuse me. Who knew a cute brunnet could be so mouthy." He sighed and leaned against the wall looking thoughtfully at Quill. "The names Justin, what are you a hood boy doing in this hell hole?"

"Well considering that RedFist has made it nearly impossible to leave the city, I kinda have no choice but be in the hell hole." Quill said. "And as for mr. hood man, I just met him"

"Getting out? Getting in was relatively easy though huh..." Justin seemed to trail off in thought at Quill's comment.

"Well then you clearly didn't see them barracked the ways out then in the outskirts" She said.

"Huh? i just melded my way through a steel door..." Justin absently fiddled with the chain on his pants while he looked the girl over. Not a bad looker, snappy comebacks as well. He suddenly flipped the picture out of his pocket again. "I forgot to ask, have you seen this girl?"

Quill looked at the picture. "Terra right? Heard of her, but I haven't seen her since this RedFist crap, nor any of the titans in that fact."

Justin's after image of him leaning against the wall faded as he had rushed forward so fast it defied time(comically of course). He had quill by the shoulders happily shaking her back and forth. "You've seen her!?!?! Is she well? Is she captured? Has she cut her hair? Is she still beautiful? Has she ever mentioned me? wheres her brother? Can we find her?....ect" He was asking questions so fast he was stumbling over words. Tears of joy poured down his face.

"Gah!! Hey knock it off! Are you trying trying to bust my neck!?!?" She yelped in surprise, trying to shove the boy off.

"Oh...I'm sorry..I was just a little excited." Justin let her go and drew back a little. The awkwardness hung in the air for a minute. " be living in the run down city up till now you must be pretty tough."

"A little? More like spazzing..." Quill said, sitting back down. "As for being tough... More like experience. I was on my own since I was ten." She shrugged. "Then again with some of my 'gifts' it's easy to avoid detection from RedFist."

There was some scratching and whimpering heard from somewhere in the shadows."damn it to hell!"A female voice yelled.

Quill blinked, and looked over. "Someone there?" She jumped up from where she was sitting, and headed toward where she heard the voice.

There was a confused churr sort of noise.A black haired girl walked out of the shadows."Hi?"She blinked

Deridian shifted into the shadows just before the black haired girl walked out.

"Monyuu?"The girl double blinked and tilted her head a little.

"Uh, you alright?" Quill asked the girl.

"The mouse stole my cracker and it won't give it back..."Merc pouted and pointed to a hole in the side of a building.

"...You're crying 'cause a mouse stole your cracker...?" Quill resisted the urge to do a face palm. "There's easier ways to get food, you know..."

"I haven't eaten for three days...And I don't have any money to buy food..."The girl whimpered.

Quill sweat dropped. "Look around. Do you see any people running the stores or anyone buying anything?"

"I'm not gonna steal!"

Deridian walked back out from his shadow traveling power that he has. He appeared behind Quill still in his cloaked form.

The brunet sighed. "Look, I don't like the idea of stealing either. But if you hadn't noticed the whole Redfist situation, it's kinda the only why get anything before any villains take it." She said. "Besides... All the stores are technically out of business since none of the people will come back. So technically it's not really stealing, now is it?" She pointed out.

Derid pulled out a a little box covered in black velvet and held his gloved hand out toward the new girl who arrived as if wanting her to have it.

The girl whimpered at the brunette's logic and sighed.She looked at Derid and blinked at the box.

"Food," Derid said as he looked at her.

"What kind of food...?"The girl asked.

"American Cuisine," said Mr.Hood Man as he saw her through his cloak.

"Huh?"She asked.Her stupidity was kicking in.

Deridian smiled under the hood as he thought no one could see him,"Its good food," he said.

She whimpered and took the box.

Quill rolled her eyes "It's not going to jump out and eat you."

"Its happened before!I tried eating a venus fly trap,It tried eating me!By the way.Im Mercury."Merc said

At that Quill DID do a face palm. "Oi! That was a living thing, and it bites!" She said. "And... you can call me Quill..."

"People tend to call me Mr. Hood man or guy, but I prefer the name Deridian or Derid for short," he said as he moved closer to the shadows as he felt the sun slightly.

Merc whimpered and crossed her arms.

"Is there something wrong?" Derid asked as he moved into the shadows.

Ice stayed close to the walls, making her way through the city at a quick pace. She had to find the rest of the Titans and let them free... They were the only ones who could help the city now.

Justin came forward and produced an eggsalad sandich from hid travelers pack. He ginerly presented it merc. "Hi im justin, her i have a few of these left over."

"YIPE!Too many people!"Merc yelped and ran on all fours back into the shadows.

Quill blinked. "Hey, calm down! None of us are going to hurt you."

Derid shifted into a the shadows and followed her via the shaodws throughout the area.

Merc whimpered in a corner and shivered."I was born alone...I'm not use to people..."

Deridian came out of the shadows infront of her not saying a word.

MErcury whimpered softly and looked up at him.

Deridian removed his hood being that no sunlight could hit him in this darkened area,"Hello, now we meet face to face."

"Back off..."Merc barked.

Deridian held in his hands in front of himself signaling peace."I do not wish to harm you." he said.

"I don't care!I said back off!"MErcury snapped

"Okay perhaps we will meet again one day," Derid Said going into the shadows and headed for another part of the city in hopes of peace and quiet having had enough people see him today.

Justin thought for a second for somthing to make her a little warmer to them, then reached for a pipe laying beside him and his hand glowed as it changed into a beautiful metal rose that reflected any little little in the alley with resounding brilliance. "Here isnt it preaty?"

Merc looked at the rose."!"She tackle glomped him.

Justin chuckled a little. "Well that worked."

"Shiny object..."He murred.

A teen with Brown hair dressed in all black a black visor covering his eyes walked by a wicked smile on his face

A girl with a glove with blades followed him to the area as she watched the teen.

the Teen turned his head to see the girl he smiled widely when he saw her but didn't say anything one thing went through his mind,he must come out on top.

The girl looked at him with an intelligent look as she watched him turn his head.

a bright green light erupted from behind the black visor as his hair shifted to green he smiled widely as his hand began to glow green "what do ya want?" he asked with a sneer

She quickly brought the bladed hand up in a defensive manner and was preparing to use an illusion technique."Not fight if thats what you think," she said,"i'm just looking for answers?"

The teen turned his head his hair still green "you won't find them with me..."

"Fine then," she said and quickly dashed away from him in search of someone who could.

The Teen smiled and looked into the street seeing a few cars driving about he walks in front of one moving incredibly fast he held his hand in front of it and created a thin blade of energy as the car ran into it its own momentum cut it in half"HaHaHaHa!don't get in my way!" he cackled as he began to run down the center of the street using the same method to destroy what ever happens to get in his way

The teen wearing black stopped and sighed "this is no fun I need a challenge....." he spat he looked up and down the streets to see the destruction he had caused he smiled widely and noticed a group of people who if they were still on the streets were probably a challenge waiting to happen. The Teen smirked and began to run in their direction

Justin stroked the enchanted girls hair as she fondeled the rose, Nothing unconditional just letting her know he wouldnt hurt her. He turned his head and looked at Quill again. "These 'Titans' you said Terra was with, who are they?"

"Robin, Starfire, Raven, Beastboy, and Cyborg." Quill replied. "But they went missing shortly after the RedFist Invasion."

"Sounds like this redfist organization needs to be set straight. Why dont people do anything about them?" He asked trying not to disturb Merc.

"Most have given up hope when the Titens dissapeared." Quill said. "Or are afraid for their lives, so they all went into hiding."

Justin clenched and unclenched his fist. "I dont like the sound of these guys. Maybe we should do something about them." His eyes wandered down the street and across the bay until they came to rest on the monumental 'T'.

Quill nodded. "Yeah... Mabey you're right. I know I'm sick of those rasist bastards. They'll target anyone this isn't they're version of 'normal'"

Merc's wolf like ears perked up."Robin?!He's alive!!??"

Justin set Merc up by her shoulders. "well someone has warmed up..."

The girl with the bladed glove ran by you and stopped about 10 feet in front of you and turned around,"Who are you people?" she asked looking at you.

"I was going to ask you the same thing." Justin noticed the blade happy girl for the first time.

"You first," she said as she looked at the one who spoke.

"Sorry i dont share with pushy strangers." Justin declined

The teen in black finally reaches his destination arriving near the group of teens who seemed to be having a discussion. 

"TOO MANY PEOPLE AGAIN!"Merc whimpered adn darted into the shadows

Justin had her by the scruff of the neck. "oh no you dont . Come on a place like this you cant be hiding from people all the time." He placed a reasurring hand on her shoulder. "Come with us..your preaty bad off and id hate it if somthing bad happened to you when we left."

Merc meeped adn whimpered,growling.

Justin softened. "Aww come on dont be like that..." He looked back at Quill. "So it settled..we're taking down redfist. We're gonna need allies. Have any in mind?"

Merc meeped and looked up at him.

Justin's gaze once again fell apon the tower. "I wonder how many of them are left to help?"

The girl with the bladed glove quickly left feeling as if these people were not going to give her the answers she desires.

The teen in black smiled widely "so your trying to take down redfist eh?" he said an unpleasant grin on his face

"I dont like the way they are running things.." Justin responded bluntly without taking his eyes from te tower.

"and you think this Rag-tag gang can do it...." The teen spat with a malicious grin

"Why not..underdogs to the end." Justin forced a smile.

The Teen smiled "because I doubt you as a group couldn't even stand a chance against me.." he spat

"Theres no need to be arrogant i mean sheesh." It didnt even phase justin. The sudenly his face hollowed and he turned to face the newcomer. "W..w.what do you mean by...'me'?"

"well I am a badguy after all..." he said with a devious smirk

Justin instinctivly slammed his elbow into the fire escape behind him. It quivered the shifted to form a mesh wall around the group, seperating them from the guy. "What do you want." He asked coldly.

He smirked as his hand glew a bright green he ran it down the wall cutting straight through it"I want a challenge..."

Mercury was right next to Justin in an instant."Then you got one."

Justin glanced at the building beside him and a smile crept acros his face. "Dude your so screwed." He grabbed the nearest drain pipe, his hands gave off a silvery light that spread across it then changed to form gauntlets. "Leave now and we wont beat you to a pulp."

Merc cracked her knuckles and grinned maniacly.

The teen smiled his hair turning a sleak green "bad choice.." he Spat he lifted up his wrist to reveal a small machine it began to whir and a small pulse fires at Justins Gauntlets one at a time they quickly began to pull towards eachother The Teen then smiled and flung his hand down as a beam extended form it took on the shape of a longsword.

Justin deflected the blast by jabbing at them with the gaunlets. "Impressive but,.." He slammed the gauntlet into the wall beside him causing it to crumble and a large portion started to fall on top of the enemy.

Merc used Justin as a distraction.She snuck behind the teen and jumped at him,tryingto dig her claws into him

The Teen smiled and leaped up into the air directly towards the wall that is quickly falling down towards him he thrusts his hand forward and uses his energy to peirce through it he then began to rapidly decend towards Justin a blade of energy extended forward "You don't get it, even if the infinant universe stood against me, the boiling of my blood will peirce through destiny, WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK I AM?!?!?!?!

"An idiot!"Merc tackled him to the ground

The teen smiled maliciously as Merc made contact with him"Bzzzt!...wrong answer!" he Chimed as a burst of energy shot out all around his body violently pushing her off.

"Id like a about a jerk that needs an atitude adjustment." Justin took off sprintng the launched up the remaining wall bounding sideways. He formed a spike from a gauntlet to split the feild. He then reached out to touch the guys little machine.

"Sorry but the correct answer was Thorn,we would have also exepted the answer 'Overlord of darkness and king of eternal Despair'" Thorn Spat as he turned his palm up towards the spike and emited a beam sheild that closed around the metal severing the tip. Thorn smiled and swung a kick at Justins head

"Dumb@$$ is also an exceptable answer, i wasnt attacking." Justins now spikeless hand hooked the oncoming leg with his arm flipping justin under and around Thorns leg like a gymnst. His free hand reached out to tap the pulse emiting machine on thorns wrist. As soon as his glowing finger touched it quivered then moprphed off its owner and into Justins palm. He used the ealier momentum to flipp off his leg and onto a nearby stairwell. "Metal..duh."

Thorn sent a blast of energy to each side of himself sending himself into a spiral towards the remainder of the wall behind him He then pushed off of the wall and lunged as Justin "you realy think I care about that thing...?" Thorn spat as he landed on the stairwell a few feet away from Justin

Justin slapped the machine onto his wrist and formed a huge broadsword. "Even i know metal is any good against pure energy, even if evil. So if you cant beat them join'em." The edges of the sword eruptd into a green light. "Im a master when it comes to pointy things..and a energy enforced piointy thing is even better." He lunged foward slashing down the spun the hilt in his palm to follow up with a cross slash. The mighty sword seemed to weigh ounces in his hands.

Thorn smiled as his own sword formed in his hand made purly of his own energy he pushed himself up on his toes slightly and released a burst of energy from his feet sending himself rocketing at Justin he held his sword out and began to spin in mid air it began to spiral back creating a crude drill shape spiraling at high speed at Justin

Justin turned the sword bluntways and angled it down a little. He waited for timing then side stepped the drill and used the blow from the rising energy blade and magnetic repulsion of the forces to knock him into the air. The force sent him a little too high as he freefell for a bit.

The drill quickly dispersed as Thorn fired two beams down fireing himself up directly below Justin slamming his Forehead into Justins gut

"Hard head but, I always wear light weight armor under my clothes." The blow gave off a metal rining as if hitting a bell. "Now your in range" Justin extended his non blade weiling hand towards Thorns face. "Steel rain..." The remaining gauntlet erupted in a flurry of sembon in thorns face at point blank range.

Thorn smirked and released a burst of his energy form the entirety of his body incinerating the sembon he took a deep breath his hair faded to brown and he began to fall he landed on top of the roof of the still intact building his hair turned back to Green and he waited for Justin to come back down to him.

The blast blew justin higher into the air. He was now staring down over the city. "Crap..this is bad...wait this thing is magnatic!" He quickly formed a tiny screwdriver to tinker with his stolen device while freefalling. He neared ground zero with screeching speed His form like that of a falling star, his armament glittering in the failing light. "There!" At the last few feet he activated the device repelling earyhs gravity creating a soft cushion to land on. He looked around and noticed his starting point was a block away.

Thorn looked down at the other heros "what about you??" he said with a smirk.

Suddenly 12 inch long quills shot out from the ground, right under Thorn.

Thorn quickly somersaults backwards as the quills cut into his right leg as he didn't quite escape quickly enough "ouch..." he responded as he landed and looked where the quills emerged from.

There was a hole where the quills came from. It looked as though someone had... tunneled under him. The ground under Thorn shook slightly before Quill burst out, her fist connecting with his jaw. "Hello deep shit!"

Thorn held his stature and his eyes slightly visible behind his visor he was glaring at her. He frowned widely, and grabbed her and he clenched hard on her wrist.

Quill just smiled sweetly. "That's quite the grip you have there sir." She said in a sweet tone, before kneeing him in the gut, twisting her wrist free. "Not strong enough though."

Merc walked into the shadows

Thorn cringed slightly, but quickly regained his posture "you have a nice smile,I'll be sure not to mess it up" he said with a smile

"No flirting with my new friends!"Merc sprang out of the shadows and tackled Thorn.

Thorn stepped to the side avoiding the tackle "when attempting a sneak attack its better not to scream at your opponent"

"You shut up!"Merc swiped her long nails at him.

Thorn leaned back dodging the claws just barely "looks like someone couldn't find the clippers" he spat as he quickly pulled his leg into a roundhouse kick

Merc yelped when the kick made contact with her arms.She growled and grabbed his leg before he was able to pull it back and bit into it.

Thorn used his leg that was currently being bitten into to pull himself around and wrap his other leg around her,He then held a blade of energy to her throat. a wicked smile curling up on my face

Merc growled and struggled violently.She took out a marble and shoved it in his face,grinning as it exploded curry powder into his eyes.

Thorn laughed "nice try" he said as he tapped on his visor that covered his eyes. "Let go of my leg.." he then put the blade closer to her throat

Merc kept biting his leg."I do not fear death.."She lied.

"Lies aren't a good thing to live by" Thorn said as he barely grazed her skin "but their a fine thing to die by..." she started to bleed but only barely

Merc gulped and was prepared to die.
(we should wait for the others*

Quill shot several more quills from her back, which were aimed at Thorn's back.

Thorn looked back to see quills flying in his direction. The instant he realized he was in danger he used his hold on Merc as a leverage point,and flipped her over landing himself on his back and Merc lay on top of him he still held his Beam blade close to her throat. he had an uneasy look on his face.

Merc meeped as she was flipped ontop of him.She blushed brightly,not use to being ontop of people.She growled and elbowed him in the tummmy

Thorn snarled a bit "let go of my leg!!" he spat once more as he dug his heel into her side

Merc whined in pain but bit down harder.

Quill went over and stomped on Thorn's hand that held the blade. "You don't seem to be in the position to give orders now."

Merc let go of his leg and jumped awa from him,next to Quill."Thanks..."

Thorn pushed his arm up lifting Quills leg he had an almost frightened look on his face but he didn't seem to be looking at Quill he pushed her over and jumped up blood dripping form his leg

Merc's normally black eyes turned red.She glomped his leg and licked at the blood.

Quill blinked. "What the hell...?"

Thorns clenched his forehead and kicked at Merc "Get away!" he screamed

Merc bit into his leg,lapping at the blood.Her blood thirstyness getting to her.

Thorn kicked her again pushing her away "Get away from me NOW!!!" he screamed once more

Merc yelped and hit the floor,but got back up,trying to get to his leg again

Thorn grabbed his head and fell to his knees he soon crumpled down and leaned in over his knees going completely quiet

Merc noticed that he had dropped.She blinked,her eyes going back to black."Umm...Is he dead?"

Justin rounded the corner after having to huff it back to the battle scene. His eyes met a scene of chaos. Merc had blood dripping down her chin...and smiling slightly, and quill had...well quills. "What did i just miss?"

Thorn shook slightly still grasping his head

"I'm still trying to figure that one out." Quill said as she wacthed both Merc and Thorn.

Justin marched, up gripped the visor, and ripped it clean off. "This guy says hes with redfist..." He scruntinized's Thorn's now visible face.

Merc licked her lips of the blood and smiled up at Justin.

"Um..merc you got a little..guh.." Justin gagged at the sight. "What did you do while i was m.i.a.?"

"Merc rubbed the blood off her mouth and smiled."I bit his leg."

Justins face went blank. "Bite or..feast?" He looked down and noticed the huge chunk missing out of Thorns leg. note to self: If i have to fight Merc make a metal muzzle. "Quill what are we gonna do with glow boy here?"

"FEEASSTTT!"Merc growled happily.

Thorn twitched once more a small whimpering sound coming from him

Justin placed his hand under Thorn's chin and tilted it up to eye level. "Now how about some Q and A? Whats your connection with Redfist?"

Thorns eyes gleamed a bright green light erupting from them "Get..." he said as the green light intensified "AWAY!!!!! " he screamed as energy emerged from all around him it began to spiral around him his silhouette only barely visible beneath the thick field of energy

Merc meeped and hid behind Justin

Justin activated the little gadget he had stole earlier, it wired and projected its on feild that he used gto cover himself while slowly approaching the raging thorn.

"WRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" the scream came from within the cloak of flowing energy Thorns silhouette writhing 

The out flow of power caused Justin to be knocked out of the sphere and land on top of merc in a very Awkward position. His face flushed, but was instantly up and standing. "um..I ..uh..sorry. Quill what are going to do?" He quickly changed the subject back to the sphere that was thorn.

Merc blushed brightly.She growled at Justin and turned him to face her,about to punch him.

"I Swear it wasnt my fault..." Justins mind flashed to the scene seconds before where Merc face was covered in blood..and smiling. He immediatly went pail and limp in her hands, his head lulled back. He no longer worried about Thorn, he feared for his life.

Merc meeped and held him."You okay?"

Justin's ghostly face managed to form some words. "P.p..pp..please don't bite me..."

"I'm not going to..."

Justin was suddenly beside the aura again. "Right then...what do we do about him?" He managed to whisper to merc, "thanks."

Quill blinked at all that happen, then sighed. "I'm not really sure what we should do with him. I mean, the police is no longer around, so it's not like we can turn him in."

The screaming voice inside of the field of energy wavered slightly and began to sound less like it did before more like a shriek than a roar

Merc whimpered."I want food."She randomly said.

Quill simply pointed at one of the abandon food stores.

Merc smiled and jogged over to it

Justin blinked. "Wha??? at a time like this? Theres a freakin giant bug zapper sitting here. What do we do?" He approached the more sensible one. "Quill..he's pouring out energy here..."

"Well unless you intend on knocking him out, I don't know how to make him stop." Quill said with a sigh.

"Fine just cover me, im going to be tired after this." Justin reached for the nearest junk car and grunted as his silvery glow spread over it. It slowly changed into a ridiculously huge mallet. "Stand back guys" He hefted it up and over his head with a yell and tried to bring it staight down over Thorns outraged skull.

The energy fizzed out as Thorns head hit the ground and began to leak cement his eyes rolled into the back of his head and his hair turned brown

The mallet gave off the silvery glow morphed back into a car. Justin sank against the wall an gasped. "If we get jumped two are going to have to fight without me. Im whiped." His breath came heavy. "Too much energy."

"Then mabye we should leave the area." Quill suggested. "This is where the villans are at most of the time. Which means chances for more encounters is high."

Justin waivered to his feet. "Where to...lower city or Titan tower?" He took a pipe and managed to form a staff. "Merc! Come on i got some sandwhichs left."

Thorns body shook slightly as he coughed,and his eyes rolled back forward. He grunted slightly but still sat relatively still.

Quill shook her head. "Not the lower city. It's filled with RedFist members."

Thorn pushed himself to his knees but quickly put his hand to his head "what...?"

"Titan tower it is then..wait! Terra!" Justin magically regained his strength. "Come on! There might be some of these Titans left!"

Thorn stood up,and staggered falling over catching himself on Quill.

"Gah!" The burrnet yelled in surpise, just barly managing to cath him. "Um... alittle help here...?"

Justin jerked the guy by his collar. "Hey! no touching the ladies like that! You were all over her." He slapped him around a little to get his sense back.

Thorn looked at the guy who hit him "Why...did you hit me????" he said completely confused his eyes starting to tear up. He was scared.

"You were gruoping the girl for gods sake!" He leaned him in. "I probably saved your life, or you would be a pincushion right now" He whispered.

Thorn just looked at him with tearing eyes "I..I..I d-didn't do a-anyt-thing...."

"Yeah but she doesnt know that..." Justin whispered bringing thorn nose to nose.

Blood ran down Thorns face he shook slightly"what....happened???"

Justin shrank back at the sight of blood. "You went berserko on us redfist boy." He scanned Thorn up and downHes not like before. " wanna take care of his...blood?"

Merc can back,with a bag of food and was munching on an apple."Yummy?"She blinked."What about blood?

Thorn shook slightly again " me down?"he asked Justin

Justin blinked. "Oh...ok." He let Thorn onto his feet, "No funny business."

"" Thorn asked wondering what he was referring to

"You went mondo psyco on us a bit ago, dont you remember?" Justins face went blank in confusion.

Merc twitched."Blooood?"

"Like...ugh..his head clean merc..hes bleeding..." Justin responded to mercs phrase.

Merc trotted over and licked Thorn's head.

Quill resisted the urge to shutter as she wacthed Merc, lick up the blood.

Merc pulled back and smiled happily

Justin went back to interogating thorn. "So why did you attack us?"

Thorn shook his head "wha????"

"Dont play dumb, here does this ring any bells?" Justin held the little generator to thorns nose. "You used this to try and turn me into sushi...'

Merc blinked innocently and sat down,munching on a piece of raw meat.

Thorn looked at Justin compleatly confused "that some kinda radio or somthin???"

"You have got to be kidding me...."Justins face was that of utter failure. "What are you, like bipolar or somthing?"

Thorn shook his head "no...."

"um....merc, quill, insight please." Justin was just at a loss.

Merc looked at him,her mouth full of raw meat.

Quill sweatdropped. "This guy is having a brain fail..."

Thorn shruged "I have no idea....whats going on..."

Merc smiled happily and looked at Quill."Whant som?"She said,her mouth full,as she held out some raw beef.

" thanks..." Quill said.

Thorn leaned in towards Quill and whispered "why is she eating that??"

Merc looked at him and waved happily and stupidly

"Um take advantage of his memory loss, Thorn wanna help take down Red Fist? Your supressed memories might help." Justin inquiried.

" names Derrek?" he said almost unsure

Justin slapped himsef in the forehead. "See! i told you it was multiple personalities! The kids cracked i tell ya!"

" think it might have to do with the crack in my skull???" he said sarcasticaly

"Is it bleeding!?!?"Merc asked excitedly.

"No but your gonna if dont start making sense..." Justin formed a flail from his chain and grinned menecingly.

"what'd I do?!?!?!" he whined begging not to get pounded

"Its what your not doing...." Justins grin became maliciuos. "Your not telling us what the heck is going on with you and red fist."

"whats red fist?? I honestly don't know..."Derrek said with a look of confusion on his face

Justin simply slapped his forehead again and went to entertain merc, seeing Derreck as a lost cause.

Merc smiled happily at Justin and handed him an apple."Want one?"

Justin shrank back a little. "No thanks merc. I prefer my meat....not still kicking..."

"Silly Justin.This isnt meat.Its an apple....I think...Or is it a pear..."

"Thank you merc...its just that the raw meat thing creeped me out." Justin sat down and strated to chew away on the apple.

"But rawr meat is sooo good..."She chewed on the beef.

Justin flinched at the sight again.

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2008-06-12 [Dark Shiva]: Demi, past-tense please ^^;

2008-06-12 [Koho Ai]: hows that?

2008-06-12 [Dark Shiva]: Much better ^_^ Thankies!

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